Here are the necessary guidelines through which you can easily reopen your closed Cash App account in no time:-
Step1: You will have to uninstall the cash application from your device. After that, you should download and then install the latest version:
Step 2: Next, you should log in to your Cash App account with the help of a login ID and account password. Once you are logged into your account, you should go to the right side of the home page to select the 'select profile' option.
Step 3: In addition, you need to locate the cash app support button, and once you've determined what you're looking for, just tap on it.
Step 4: Next, you will come to the 'after can’t access account' option, which you should tap on and you will see a list of some common options that appear on the cash app screen.
Step 5: Next, you should choose the option 'Something Else' and then add a brief description about why your Cash App account is closed.
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